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AMS ACIP Strategy Map & Desired Student Outcomes

Mapa estratégico 2024 2025 AMS ACIP

Student Outcomes

At Ashford Middle School, our goal is to create opportunities for our students to be successful citizens of society. 

The desired outcomes we have for our students include but are not limited to:

  • Our students will demonstrate the ability to read, comprehend, and utilize written materials and will possess the basic skills of an effective communicator.
  • Our students will demonstrate basic skills in reading, language arts, history, mathematics, social science, health, and physical education. 
  • Our students will develop an appreciation for visual and performing arts, physical fitness, and wellness. 
  • Our students will demonstrate skills in using technology as a tool for learning and obtaining information.
  • Our students will understand the importance of preserving the environment, and the ways to protect our non-renewable and renewable resources. 
  • Our students will develop an awareness of present and future career opportunities.
  • Our students will develop a knowledge and understanding of different cultures.
  • Our students will demonstrate decision-making and problem-solving skills. 
  • Our students will demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively with others and develop an appreciation for the value of and team effort. 
  • Our students will develop positive character traits and a sense of good self-esteem. 
  • Our students will develop an awareness of the adverse influences in our society and ways to deal with them effectively.  


We, therefore, are committed to developing our students to be synergetic, talented, intelligent, neat, and goal-oriented individuals.